2022 Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts for the VNTW 2022 is now open! Abstracts will be accepted from today until 11:45 pm EST on November 15, 2021. Selected presenters will be notified by early December, 2021. At least one presenter must register and attend the virtual event. If there are co-presenters, all presenters must register. Co-authors on a project, who will not be attending the VNTW, can be listed on the abstract and thanked in an acknowledgement, but they will not be listed as presenters on the conference program that is published in Guidebook.

There are two types of presentations for the VNTW 2022: Knowledge Sessions and Poster Presentations.

For a Knowledge Session, each presenter will have a 30 minute block for their session. They will be able to share content verbally and visually (by sharing their screen). We ask that each presenter plan on 20 minutes to present, with 8-10 minutes for questions and discussion.

For a Poster Presentation, there will a dedicated video channel in Guidebook for the posters. Each presenter will be asked to prepare a brief (approximately 5 minutes) video to introduce their topic and presentation. Attendees will be able to watch the videos in advance of the poster session. Then, during the dedicated Poster Session during the VNTW 2022, Zoom will be set up with breakout rooms, one for each poster presenter. Attendees will be able to move through the breakout rooms and chat with the presenters who will be sharing their poster on the screen.

We are committed to having both types of sessions be equally valuable and value added for all attendees.

Click here to submit your abstract for the VNTW 2022.

Please note that you should have all your materials ready (ie, title, abstract, contact information) when you start completing the form. Once you begin, you must complete and submit the form–or abandon it and start over. It is not possible to save the form and return to it later to complete.

Questions? Send us a message through the contact form. Thanks!